Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Looking At How One Treats People... how I judge individuals.
I like vibes and auras, but those are the easiest to grasp a concept of.. if an individual exemplifies powerful actions.
Powerful actions that are inspirational...or
Powerful actions that are sickening...

These will heavily impact my thoughts on you and will help me to figure out whether I think you existence is in vain or not :)

Now that might sound a bit harsh, so let me explain...
It you are evil hearted and you are nothing but negative be frank you are a waste of life.
You've done NOTHING to help anyone in this world.
You've actually aided in the corruption of love, the deplete of sympathy, and the demolition of compassion.
You need to go jump off of a cliff (I'm just venting, I'm actually extremely passionate about people embracing life, never ending life...but that's another blog ;] )

Today, no different that any regular day, I met some beautiful spirits and also witness ugliness at its finest.
If you know me, I don't think anybody is ugly and I find beauty in what most people wouldn't...
When I say ugly, I mean, their presence, demeanor, attitude horrendous.

The beautiful soul I met today could persuade me to go to the moon and back, her energy sent me on all types of high, to the point where I felt the need to incorporate her into my future plans. She's promising.
She was sweet to everyone she encountered, she went out of her way to make sure people are doing well, really extends herself. I guess the qualities I appreciated in her are all the qualities I feel everyone should have.
She reminds me of myself, or of how I would like to perceive myself as.

The waste of life that I encountered, sadly I see her every once and a while, every time she steps into my radius she pollutes my energy with her wickedness & I swear...I promise you, she is as useful as using a plastic spoon after a snowstorm. The way she treats people is unbelievable, she has some crazy sense of superiority, I'm not quite sure what she thinks makes her privileged. If her existence wasn't so ugly, I think she might actually have the capacity to be a pretty girl. Honestly, if you treat people like scum, because you simply feel like you can, you need help. I'll chant for you, but it won't help too much, because I can't seem to put too much sincerity into such trash, when that energy can go to individuals worthy of my golden chants.

There is no reason why we as a society cannot embrace one another. Why can't you treat everyone like the lovely souls they are? Appreciate people for what they offer to the world and treat them accordingly. Everyone deserves to be treated like royalty, because everyone has the potential to be majestic.

One of my favoriteeee quotes:
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
-James D. Miles
As true and powerful as this quote already is, I'd like to even shorten that to simply, you can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats others PERIOD. *I could honestly blog on and on because I truly hate ugly people, but I have homework to finish up.
Thanks for letting me vent Blogger :) You're the bestttt ;)

-Live Life With Compassion =D!

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